Butcher Box Meat Delivery

Butcher Box Meat Delivery

My favorite trusted source for meat delivery service is Butcher Box.  They provide high quality grass-fed and grass-finished beef, free-range organic chicken, wild-caught seafood and heritage-breed pork.  I’ve been using Butcher Box for over a year now and...
Plastic Pollution

Plastic Pollution

The 411 on Plastic Pollution Simply put, plastic is a threat to this little blue planet that we all call home.  Less than 10% of plastic is recycled globally and it takes about 400 years to break down.¹ Plastic has only been around for 70 years¹ but it’s estimated...
Sunscreen – Mineral vs Chemical

Sunscreen – Mineral vs Chemical

Summer is almost here which means it’s time to load up on sunscreen for the year! When I was growing up, I was either in the pool, playing golf or on my horse every day in the summer.  My grandmother passed away from melanoma skin cancer so sunscreen has always...
At-Home Spa Night

At-Home Spa Night

Where did January go?  It feels like yesterday that I was celebrating New Year’s with my friends and family.  We are now in February, the month of LOVE!  I love that February is not just about Valentine’s Day anymore but more and more people are...
My Favorite Podcasts

My Favorite Podcasts

I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts lately.  I don’t watch the news in the mornings anymore because  I got tired of waking up and starting my day with negativity.  So, I started listening to podcasts while I get ready in the mornings.   I wanted to...